Węgierska armia opublikowała nagranie budowy zasieków na granicy państwowej. Zmobilizowanych zostało 4700 żołnierzy – najwięcej od czasów powodzi w 2013 roku, kiedy zmobilizowanych zostało 12 tysięcy mundurowych.

Jak podaje portal index.hu, w weekend na Węgry dostało się nielegalnie 12 tysięcy migrantów – 6056 w sobotę i 5925 w niedzielę. Policja podjęła łącznie akcję przeciwko 312 111 migrantom od początku roku. Z kolei o azyl zwróciło się 176 168 osób, obecnie w specjalnych ośrodkach przebywa 638 osób.

Większość nielegalnych migrantów pochodzi z Syrii, Afganistanu i Iraku, jednak część z nich przybyła z Kosowa i Pakistanu.

dailynewshungary.com / Kresy.pl

The Hungarian Army has published a video about soldiers protecting the Hungarian borders. You can see the big vehicles going southward and the soldiers constructing fence and barbed wire. As dailynewshungary.com wrote, more than 4700 troops were mobilized, which the largest number is since the 2013 flooding when 10 thousand soldiers worked in the operations. According to index.hu, 12 thousand migrants (6056 on Saturday and 5925 on Sunday) entered Hungary illegally. The police have taken action against 312 111 migrants since the beginning of the year. A total of 176 168 people requested asylum since January, currently there are 638 people in the host institutions. 80% of the registered applicants are men, 51% of them belong to the 18-34 age group. The Szeged District Court delivered 33 judgements concerning the illegal crossing of border on Saturday and Sunday. 14 of them were expelled for one year, 19 of them for two years. Most of the defendants declared themselves Syrian, Afghani and Iraqi, but there were some who provided personal information from Kosovo and Pakistan. Meanwhile, more and more civilian would participate in defense tasks. In recent days, several citizens approached the HDF military supplement headquarters to take part in the tasks caused by the migration crisis and the construction of the temporary border closure, boon.hu wrote.

Read more at: http://dailynewshungary.com/service-at-the-border-video/

The Hungarian Army has published a video about soldiers protecting the Hungarian borders. You can see the big vehicles going southward and the soldiers constructing fence and barbed wire. As dailynewshungary.com wrote, more than 4700 troops were mobilized, which the largest number is since the 2013 flooding when 10 thousand soldiers worked in the operations. According to index.hu, 12 thousand migrants (6056 on Saturday and 5925 on Sunday) entered Hungary illegally. The police have taken action against 312 111 migrants since the beginning of the year. A total of 176 168 people requested asylum since January, currently there are 638 people in the host institutions. 80% of the registered applicants are men, 51% of them belong to the 18-34 age group. The Szeged District Court delivered 33 judgements concerning the illegal crossing of border on Saturday and Sunday. 14 of them were expelled for one year, 19 of them for two years. Most of the defendants declared themselves Syrian, Afghani and Iraqi, but there were some who provided personal information from Kosovo and Pakistan. Meanwhile, more and more civilian would participate in defense tasks. In recent days, several citizens approached the HDF military supplement headquarters to take part in the tasks caused by the migration crisis and the construction of the temporary border closure, boon.hu wrote.

Read more at: http://dailynewshungary.com/service-at-the-border-video/

The Hungarian Army has published a video about soldiers protecting the Hungarian borders. You can see the big vehicles going southward and the soldiers constructing fence and barbed wire. As dailynewshungary.com wrote, more than 4700 troops were mobilized, which the largest number is since the 2013 flooding when 10 thousand soldiers worked in the operations. According to index.hu, 12 thousand migrants (6056 on Saturday and 5925 on Sunday) entered Hungary illegally. The police have taken action against 312 111 migrants since the beginning of the year. A total of 176 168 people requested asylum since January, currently there are 638 people in the host institutions. 80% of the registered applicants are men, 51% of them belong to the 18-34 age group. The Szeged District Court delivered 33 judgements concerning the illegal crossing of border on Saturday and Sunday. 14 of them were expelled for one year, 19 of them for two years. Most of the defendants declared themselves Syrian, Afghani and Iraqi, but there were some who provided personal information from Kosovo and Pakistan. Meanwhile, more and more civilian would participate in defense tasks. In recent days, several citizens approached the HDF military supplement headquarters to take part in the tasks caused by the migration crisis and the construction of the temporary border closure, boon.hu wrote.

Read more at: http://dailynewshungary.com/service-at-the-border-video/

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